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Denver, CO 80122


Boomerang Impact gives back with upcycled, handmade, eco friendly and fair trade, bags, handbags, and purses and gifts. Boomerang Impact, Buying Gives Back ®

Bahadurgarh, India Artist Group

Bahadurgarh, India supporting handmade, eco friendly, fair trade and upcycled bags ensuring maximum impact on the environment and people

Bahadurgarh, India Artist Group

Supporting handmade, eco friendly, fair trade and upcycled bags ensuring maximum impact on the environment and people

The artist group we support in Bahadurgarh started as a group determined to reduce the huge amount of waste plaguing India’s streets and help disadvantaged people escape poverty.

In order to be as environmentally friendly as possible, they decided to upcycle materials by washing and pressing discarded plastic into bags. This method is more effective than recycling. Recycling creates pollution when reprocessing the materials. Upcycling minimizes this pollution to almost nonexistence.

The Bahadurgarh artist group trains hundreds of unemployed individuals to gather discarded materials. This upcycled material is then made into bags. The group supports schools and a health clinic is offered to the entire workforce. The group offers loans, so employees can move on and start their own business.

Your purchase helps:

Santosh supporting handmade, eco friendly, fair trade and upcycled bags ensuring maximum impact on the environment and people

Santosh is one of the people that collect discarded materials. Some cities in India collect only half of the waste that is produced on a daily basis. This is where ragpickers, like Santosh, come in. He helps collect discarded materials to be reused and upcycled into bags.

Ragpickers are able to climb up the organization. Many ragpickers have advanced into manufacturing positions and even office jobs.



Bharti supporting handmade, eco friendly, fair trade and upcycled bags ensuring maximum impact on the environment and people

Bharti has experienced many different jobs within the organization. She has been with the group since its founding. Bharti is responsible for making sure the discarded materials turn into flawless bags. 

Beyond the paid job, Bharti volunteers at a recently developed healthcare clinic. This clinic is available to all employees. Bharti helps translate between colleagues and English speaking doctors.
